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     My Mom taught me methods for encoding and decyphering messages which were used for the most important military orders transmitted to and from the War Department in Washington, D.C. to and from the battlefield during World War Two, when I was in elementary school. I never discussed that with anyone else except my Mom for some reason. Not because I had any intention of keeping it a secret; but, it was just another one of those things that fell into the realm of science and other similar areas that I found other people usually weren't interested in and/or just couldn't understand if I tried to explain it to them. Often, throughout my life, in certain categories of information not as common to most people, my communication with other persons on a particular subject was formatted at a level slightly higher than the conversations I had with my pets. The messages my Mom worked with were at the highest level in the chain of command. Some of them would have had to have approval of the President and numerous other people for the orders to be carried out, including the order to allegedly drop the "Atom Bomb", which came through her office while she was working there. Of course, the messages themselves were dictated originally by other persons before being encoded and transmitted. So, she had no way of knowing what the results, or truthfulness, or motives, or ultimate goals were for any of these messages, except from facts alleged to be true in the statements contained in other messages. These were the general orders, which were encoded and decoded by individual persons by hand, which would later be split up into numerous tactical orders necessary to achieve the objectives specified in the main orders, and distributed to applicable sources, which would be so numerous that they would have to rely on Enigma type of machines to handle a large portion of them in some cases along the transmission route, although those could be later broken down and transmitted individually to various tactical areas of responsibility, and further decoded and encoded, or transmitted in uncoded form. She, and the women she worked with, were to office pinkies in Washington what Navaho Code Talkers were on the battlefield. A machine can handle a large amount of information at one time, and create very complicated codes that could take outsiders a long time to crack, if ever. But, a machine can not actually think. It could be sabotaged, infiltrated, corrupted, or otherwise defeated and not have any recognition of that fact. So, often, individual persons had to handle a certain amount of information, and machines would have to be altered in encryption codes regularly to make sure they weren't broken. The methods used for encoding were primitive in World War Two compared to today. But, they worked great. You can't hack a real human like you can a machine. Similarly, rifles are more advanced nowadays. But, a rifle from World War Two could kill you just as dead, if you know how to use it right. Theoretically, 128 Bit digital encryption should be nearly impossible to crack, even for the C.I.A., unless you have the encryption key. But, if you can crack the software that determines who has access to the key, then you can get the key, and you can use the key to decrypt the encoded information. Encrypting information digitally is a waste of time, unless you are just trying to make it more difficult for hackers to access your files, but not relying on the encryption to make your files completely untouchable by outsiders. You might even just lock yourself out of your own files if you lose the key. No locksmith for that. If you really have information that you don't want anyone, even the government, to have access to, never give that information to a computer, or any other similar device. A computer is like Rain Man. It can win a fortune for you at Black Jack, but then sell your new Buick for about a hundred dollars, and let you know that you have unused icons on your desktop, and then tell you again that you still have unused icons on your desktop. It isn't that simple for somebody in a far away place to pick your computer as a target, and then break in to get all of your emails or nude selfies. But, even though a computer is programmed not to give your secrets to other persons using a computer, the computers themselves like to gossip among themselves with other computers that have tiny pieces of information. If you use security questions at various websites to retrieve forgotten passwords, use fake information for answers, like: "Where were you born?": "Mars". As long as you remember the answer you used, you can answer the question, but hackers can't use public information to answer the same question. If you really think you can be absolutely sure of privacy and/or secrecy, except with the thoughts inside your own brain, if that, look around. Take a look at the tiny pinhole opening to the microphone on your smart phone. If somebody wanted to hide a microphone bad enough to listen to you, especially the government, do you think you could check all the places where a pinhole that size might be hidden? And the new TVs that use voice recognition will sometimes supply you with fine print in notices that admit your private conversations might end up in the hands of third parties, even when you're not using that feature at the moment. You can make relatively simple codes, though not easily guessable, changed regularly, and not give the code to anyone except other persons you trust, directly, in person, or through a courier you trust, if you want to have messages almost impossible to break. A hint: not all of a coded message has to actually be a part of the real message. It is common to add filler that needs to be crossed out, which leaves the actual message to be decoded. You can use a separate code to designate which parts are to be ignored before decryption. If they have no idea what the message is about, unless you do something silly, like have each letter represent another letter, or something similar, in order to make them think you are the stupid one and they have decoded a message, which is just a diversion to camouflage the real message, there are an infinite number of ways to use combinations to represent words, phrases, formats, numbers, and other factors, that have no apparent connection to what they represent up until the point where you designate so in the making of the code, which can make any analog code unbreakable without information you provide to persons you want to have the message. Ironically, my Mother is of German descent. She told me there was a lot of prejudice against Germans in general at that time; because, during World War Two, Germans were categorically classified as the enemy. But, a lot of the humans exterminated in death camps were also Germans. And most of my Mom's relatives from Germany came to the Western world in the 1800s before she was born. She always spoke English, although once in a while she taught me a few German words, which I remembered, but never used in a conversation. I remember things and store them in my brain and use them along with other remembered facts to deduce other facts, like a snowball rolling downhill, while other people's brains seem to melt ideas somewhat before they store them and/or use them in any kind of analysis, and can only open one folder category at a time, even though there might be relevant factors necessary for complete analysis in other categories of memory storage. I have only discussed a tiny portion of the knowledge in my brain with other persons throughout my life, usually the amount of information discussed being dependent, to a large degree, on my estimation of the amount of interest, and level of potential comprehension, of persons I am in contact with at the time, on a given area of ideas I have in my brain. My Mom used to understand my ideas very well, and she knew I could understand complex ideas. She could have been a scientist, if she had interest in that area, because she always had a mind that could figure out things. Yet, her drive was mainly to be a wife and mother. So, she was kind of like a scientist at wife and mother things like cooking. I'm a vegetarian now; so, I would no longer eat a lot of the meals she made when I was growing up. But, the meals she made were more delicious than any restaurant. She had collections of recipe books and a lot of recipes in her brain that were acquired while she was growing up. She had complex formulas for starting from scratch with an often large bundle of different ingredients, when to add what, at what temperature and how long, like a chemist coming up with a new formula. She always seemed to have some kind of magic touch that probably would have prevented me from cooking that tasty of meals, even if I had enough interest in that area and was able to memorize every recipe to the letter and degree necessary. Plus, I am way too lazy to take all the time and do all the work that she did at cooking. I have always been more of a thinker than a doer. I can develop some awesome ideas. I think up complicated ideas that are a combination of inter-related ideas, where words become sentences, and sentences combine as modifiers to related sentences, which form into thoughts that are often way too complicated for other people to have any idea what in Hell I am talking about, even if they understand the intermediary ideas used to form the complicated relationship of the bulk of ideas together. Some people, such as English teachers in the past, have proposed that run together sentences are a bad thing. So, they think I have a minor problem with that. But, I think the problem is with other people whose brain seems to be limited to only visualizing one idea at a time, in a series, such as sentences, rather than visualizing related ideas in the parallel form needed to include all factors necessary for immediate, thorough, and accurate analysis. My brain seems to be formatted to acquire knowledge, for the purpose of analyzing the knowledge in relation to previously acquired knowledge, with the ultimate goal of absorbing even more useable data. I guess that is why I often ended up with side hobbies and interests in areas where knowledge is helpful to that area of interest, like science. 

     When I was a young kid, my parents got me a microscope kit. One of the things included with the kit, besides the microscope and slides, was a vial full of Brine Shrimp eggs. Under a microscope, Brine Shrimp eggs looked like a basketball that had the air let out, making it concave. The eggs, when kept dry, remain dormant for years. When you put them in a container of water mixed with salt in the right proportion, the eggs swell up, and eventually hatch into baby Brine Shrimp. It's really amazing, when you stop to think about it, that an animal, in the form of a dehydrated egg, can remain dormant for many years, with no food or water, and then, upon being rehydrated by salt water, come back to life, and swim around like it was just a temporary bit of down time. Kind of like the resurrection of the dead.                    

Daphnia, Cyclops, Secret Codes, and Girls