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TOP SECRET (See also:,; and,



     Remember the broadcast by R.S. in 1972 talking about the beatings, and: "Saint James has come to us." and "There will be scars."? Yeah, I listened to it very carefully. How could you ever, in your wildest imagination, think collectively that I could ever forget that; when I remember the TV news saying that Eisenhauer said "blankety-blank" and I had to ask my Mom what blankety-blank meant. That broadcast by R.S. was one of the biggest  events in history, although it is supposed to be a secret and/or little known. Yet, because you treated it as trivial, like you do human life, you might not even know what to look under to find the original tapes, and/or updated digital copies, because, unlike me, you are to such a large degree compartmentalized, and covered with protective layers of sugar-frosted bullshit,

that you might not even know individually that such data exists.   Depending on how deep you are burying your own covers these days, you might have to find persons who theoretically don't exist, to track down data that theoretically doesn't exist. I have all of that information stored in my brain. You can't hack that; and, your attempts to delete it haven't been too successful. All I have to do is remember that one broadcast forever and there is no chance that you will ever be able to brainwash me into believing any of you. You don't know how many people made tapes for that one broadcast by R.S., or how many people have the information stored in their brains. There might even be fake versions in your grayer files, in case someone figured out what to look for. I am still alive. One advantage of growing older is that what doesn't kill you makes you wiser. I will eliminate all spies, Neo-nazis, secret police, and other similar jobs from the market place forever, with a little help from every decent person on the planet. I don't have to do anything except pray and out survive all of you. I have always been extremely good at connecting the dots, even when other people couldn't find the dots that were right in front of them. Just like my Mom, which is why they had her decoding messages in World War Two.

Are there any spies who really believe in that bullshit story about the existence and use of a certain single so-called enigma machine in World War Two, where everything was encoded by only the one machine for all that information? Almost any little kid, if they take the time to think about it, could come up with codes that no person or machine could crack without inside information. Machines could do it faster. But, changing the codes, and only giving the decoder ring to the receivers, is enough to keep secrets. Nobody would be dumb enough to put all their eggs in one basket. There are a lot of stories that are true but never mentioned publicly. If the information is stored in someone's brain, it doesn't need to be encrypted in the first place, until or unless it is to be transmitted to another brain or group of brains. Instead of updating to match the acquired knowledge of the masses and individuals, you keep sticking to the same old bullshit stories and policies to the public. As a result, you have no credibility, everybody hates you and wants you gone, and your monopoly game is literally playing with Monopoly money which places a market value on stocks and other items that are worthless bubbles which could burst any second. You control the markets and the governments. But, you can't control our thoughts and/or destroy our souls, no matter how much your darkest algorithms wish that you could. So, you really have nothing but a bunch of toys temporarily in your hands, like musical chairs, where you know that sooner or later you are going to be left without a single chair.

     You can't even let us have our freedom and privacy in peace. You are so arrogant, currently betting all of your investment portfolio on the myth that foreigners were responsible for nine eleven, instead of the Central Intelligence Agency. You openly brag about dropping bombs in residential areas in other countries, which you justify by alleging that you were eliminating a bomber. Do you think humans are too stupid to comprehend that the fire and fury from the sky makes YOU the bombers? If it actually even happened, instead of a psychological operations propaganda stunt to groom the masses into being desensitized to the idea of the Central Intelligence Agency having a license to kill anyone they choose, because they own, and have controlling interest in, everything. You would like to be accepted as the ultimate source of the truth, even though you are professional liars as part of your spy format. You believe you can get by with anything because you have a license to keep almost every real thing you do a secret. You can even assassinate a president and not get arrested, or closed down like that president was contemplating. But, you are walking so far into darkness that you can't understand that free will does not mean that you can do anything you want and get by with it. It just means that you can try. 

     It must really piss you off  to know that a vegetarian zombie like myself has the free will to speak the truth about you and you can't get me to change my attitude or rhetoric, or kill me. You have tried that on more than one occasion. You still have free will, I still have the same attitude and beliefs; and, I am still alive.


     I am completely non-violent personally. I do not like hurting other people, even those who are terrible examples of mammals; although, I do have a craving for revenge and justice in regards to all the evil things that have been done by persons who literally worship the devil. I rely on God and all of the Angels to mete out that justice. I would not harm any other person myself unless I had to defend myself or others against a direct violent attack. But, I have the most powerful weapon on the planet to destroy my enemies, which is defined as those who, by their evil, are the enemies of God: the power of prayer...