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TOP SECRET (See also: deanrichardkibbe.net, deanrichardkibbe.biz; and, saintvibiana.com)




      At this point in time, I choose to be alone at all times, at least until KIBBE v. UNITED STATES, case number 17-12288, is settled in a manner completely favorable to me. I do not choose to have communications with, and/or in person meetings with, any other persons at any time, including, but not limited to, even if there are extraordinary circumstances which might theoretically justify an exception. This applies to persons I might have had communications with in the past for various reasons. I have not interacted significantly with other people in years; so, I am able to get along personally very well without others; and, they can do well without any help from me. I am a complete success at my chosen lifestyle and goals, although they might not suit other persons. If you feel the need to socialize and/or communicate with other persons, you should check on other similar persons you know who might need your help who you haven’t contacted lately. I am sure you can think of one or more persons besides me who does not choose to be a hermit living incommunicado like a Trappist Monk. Although this lifestyle might not be suitable for, or understandable to, other persons, it is the life which satisfies my true needs in life. Please do not disrespect me by trying to coerce me into making an exception for a choice of being a hermit, which I am completely happy with. I am fine, I am happy with the limitations of staying at home at all times, which is suitable to my personal and spiritual goals; and, I can, and do, handle my chosen lifestyle, and personal daily needs, very well. If anyone chooses to send information of any kind to me, for which I will appreciate any information of any kind, even though I can’t reciprocate, you can send a letter by snail mail, listed on the page titled: CONTACT ME AND FEED RAPHAEL’S DOG earlier on this website, and below, and/or send a message directly by using the contact form provided at the website saintvibiana.com on the contact page there. Keep those cards and letters coming folks. If I make a statement relevant to any information anyone sends, which will most likely be little or nothing, since everything is on a need to know basis, for reasons which are probably explained somewhere on one of my websites, and/or you don’t need to know, it will be on a page on one of my websites. It will be for public view by anyone, but might not contain any personal or specific reply to your message alone. If you are concerned about anything in my life, check out all of my websites, and any information you need to know should be covered somewhere. I have seen a lot of injustice, with nobody expressing any interests in my views posted, which is what I have to say, and I therefore have a lot of anger built up, along with the constant anger caused by PTSD, and thus often express my thoughts in a bitter and/or sarcastic manner, which you can ignore, and/or just let me be. I choose to keep my personal life private from all other persons at this time, except for what I post on my websites. You should read and/or download everything on all of my websites before you feel the need to see answers from me individually. My life is intended to please God only. If you can’t understand that, you need to finish reading and/or downloading everything on my websites, including, but not limited to, that which you are offended by or disagree with. I do not have a secure phone line, I keep the ringer turned off; and, I do not answer phone calls. Just pray for God to send you an answer, but not on a time clock. God has everything already figured out for a good ending…
     There are some things I can't discuss for very complicated reasons; and, at the present time it might bias and/or confuse certain investigations if I tried to explain all peripheral logistics data. However, even though these facts might not seem relevant to any matter you are familiar with at the present time, I would ask that you keep a folder somewhere that can be referenced if my name comes up in the near future. The media is not allowed to discuss my case, or my brain, in any significant detail, since they are attempting to keep them a secret as much as possible, for reasons you might have already guessed. There is no freedom of the press in real life. Just infomercials. Since I can't discuss all details, it would be difficult to explain the relevance and/or interconnection, with any issue other persons might have jurisdiction of and/or interests in for the following statements:
(1) I was assigned to an "advisor" type program in Viet Nam in 1968.
(2) The C.I.A. used the same method of assassination used in the J.F.K.
assassination to murder CAP marine advisors in Viet Nam.
(3) As far as I know, the remaining classified documents regarding the J.F.K.
assassination were scheduled to be released this year, 2017.
(4) I have a federal FOIA suit, KIBBE v. UNITED STATES, Case Number: 2C17-
cv-12288 in the Eastern District of Michigan, although the C.I.A. might inject malware which would cause a wrongful spelling if you are filling out the name or number to find the case filings on the PACER site, which you should check if you are notified there are no cases to be found.
(5) In the above stated civil suit, I am trying to obtain information about the spy activities in CAP, in order to establish a motive for the murder of CAP marines, in the hopes that I might eventually gather enough evidence to prompt a full investigation of the matter, and prosecution of the murder of CAP marines by the C.I.A. as war crimes.
(6) For purposes of dismissal, allegations of fact in the Complaint are presumed
true, since findings of fact are a trial matter.
(7) I had expected that the U.S. Attorney's Office, who represents the
defendants, ( The United States, et al), would, in answer to my Complaint, either
redact all information about spy activities in CAP records, and/or claim secrecy laws as a defense.
(8) The defendants have sent partial records, with the usual redactions for
privacy allowed by statute, which redactions I have stated to them by email I have no objection to.
(9) All records of spy activities in CAP were not just redacted, they were
completely white listed and filed in different folders with no cross reference titles.
(10) I am contesting on constitutional grounds, (which, of course, will probably
be contested by the defendants), the laws which give extra secrecy protection to
spies over military personnel, such as CAP marines, in the established
unclassification time tables.
(11) In their answer to my Complaint, the defendants are not invoking claims of
spy secrecy laws, but completely denying that any spy activities ever happened.
(12) The defendants are represented by the Department of Justice, which,
under the F.B.I. and/or other agencies, might investigate situations such as murder of CAP marines and the J.F.K. assassination, which means I have to win any investigational agencies over by hearts and mind policies used by the military in counter guerrilla warfare.
(13) The only effective way I have of doing that is to gather enough evidence to
convict the C.I.A. beyond any reasonable doubt.
(14) Since I am a layman, with no legal training, and no investigative training,
this would be considered impossible, which means it might take me a little longer.
(15) The case is at a critical stage now; and, could possibly go more than one
direction, depending on the decisions of the court judge in the instant case.
(16) I would never consider and/or contemplate suicide under even the most
trying circumstances; and, although I always survive everything, if I am ever
incapacitated and/or harmed in any way it will not be by any attempt by myself at suicide and/or any attempt to harm myself in any way.
(17) I hate violence, I am a total pacifist, I would not want to harm other persons even if they are really terrible, unless I am attacked and need to defend myself; and, I never have resisted, and would never resist, arrest, even if I felt it was totally unjustified, leaving a lawyer to handle those types of disputes.
(18) Although it is possible I might end up with an attorney as co-counsel in the
instant case; at this time there are no persons who have my permission and/or any legal authority of any kind to represent me and/or make any decisions affecting me, including, but not limited to, any type of medical emergency and/or incapacitation ; and, I would sue anyone who tried to subvert that status in any way.
(19) Although there might be a few people who could understand me, it is doubtful they would be in any position to be allowed to communicate with me anyway.
     Thank you. You’ve been a great audience. Good night. Burma Shave…
Dean R. Kibbe
1223 Union Street
Port Huron, Michigan 48060



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