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     You really are ignorant, stupid, and completely out of touch with reality; or, you think that I am, if you think that I have any reason to believe that there would be any good to come of my having any kind of conversation or other communication and/or socialization with anyone I come into contact with, or that is allowed to have significant contact or communication with me, other than necessary exchanges for my use and/or procurement of goods, services, information, or something similar, when all lines of communication between me and the outside world have been cut off by the government, except for a few limited transactions which do not entail any information which might be damaging to the evil actions of the c.i.a. and any united nations co-conspirators. I am just manageably crazy, not stupid. 

     If you want to have any kind of communication with me, other than sending me a text message by some means, show me any credible reason why I should believe it is EVEN POSSIBLE you are a civilian and not c.i.a. trying to start a conversation, for the purpose of spying on me, when you never mention all of the important things that are incriminating to your demon seed coven of organized secret police witches.  

     If you really know a significant amount of accurate truth about me, then you know that I have such a higher level of reasoning, in certain categories of brain functions, that talking to other people is often comparable to someone trying to explain something complicated to a dog. I have gotten into the habit of frequently repeating what I say to other people, especially in scientific or other logic requiring areas, because other people, (including, but not limited to, those with a higher than average amount of education), often can not understand what I am saying unless I try to translate it down to a "Look, look Jane!" said Sally. "See Spot run." level.

     Yet, even though I am back to using the internet, it is very limited in ways in which only someone of way less than average intelligence would believe could be possible unless my communications are intercepted, and frequently blocked, by the government. Only a very small portion of emails and other communications I send ever reach the parties I have sent them to. I will not bother to describe some of the other ways in which my lines of communication have been cut off illegally. I could write a long report on that issue alone. It is not necessary for me to prove to other people that I am correct on that issue. It is necessary for other people to prove they are civilians; not meaning just nonmilitary, but also not in any way shape or form acting on behalf of the government covertly or overtly in any way. You believe what you want to believe; and, I will believe what I want to believe. Do not let your feeble minds fool you into thinking that your opinions, words, or actions, have any more influence on me than those of any other dumb animal of any species. 

     I am not watching television, the c.i.a.'s main tool for brainwashing; so, whatever is reported in the news is unknown and irrelevant to me. I do not need to have a conversation about the weather, while nobody except me is allowed to discuss the c.i.a.'s assassinations, even to come up with one valid idea to explain how I could be wrong on one or more points in my reports, as described on PAGE SEVENTY NINE at deanrichardkibbe.net and other places. You think you can act even dumber than you really are, if that was possible, and act as if everything I say about the c.i.a. is not heard by anyone, and I would want to listen to your worthless con game bullshit? You have no idea how disgusting all of you evil cowards are to me. The whole world knows all the evil things the government/rich people systems, whether called capitalism, communism, republican, democrat, liberal, conservative, or other designated oppressors, have done all these years. And they get more and more wicked all the time, and flaunt it openly. I believe they are the antiChrist. I would not go to Hell for anyone. If you want to, you have free will; so, go to Hell forever and ever if that is your choice. But, if you are waving an american flag, then you either don't know me well enough to hold an intelligent conversation with me, or you don't care that I believe the flag is the symbol of the devil, and it is a severe stressor to my PTSD. Do not mistake my nonviolence as any kind of acceptance of flaggots who flaunt their witchcraft and membership in the c.i.a. by waving their red, white, and, blue pea brain pom poms. When I see a building with an american flag on it even once, I see a funeral home for dead people who are waiting in the bus station to Hell. I have no obligation to cast my pearls before swine. Neither does anyone else. Angels, sometimes seeming ordinary, usually homeless, doing ordinary things, walk the Earth, waiting to punch your ticket when it is your turn to sleep on the heating grate...   



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the republican/democrat nazi party united snakes government, ("The free world")
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