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​     Below is a copy of the self-explanatory letter I sent to comcast headquarters explaining my views on the two alleged humans who came to my door posing as comcast agents, with the cooperation of comcast corporation, with a bullshit cover story even more ridiculous than the insane words excreted publicly by trumpty dumpty in the newscasts he pretends to be an opponent of, even though their fake feuds and fake debates always seem to report every thing he says, or tries to with his feeble mind, and retweet his tweets so that even people who do not have accounts, or want accounts, on the by the rich, for the rich, 100% rigged for the money changers twitter site, will be subjected to the government's Ponzi scheme, musical chairs, monopoly game, moot court republican/democrat phony debate/diversity nazi propaganda and be polarized into worshiping the red, white, and blue swastika flag of the capital of the secret league of unjust nations anti-Christ entity and call on the party of their alleged choice to pretend that they have even the tiniest bit of conscience, morality, redeeming social value etc., while using resources that could help the poor, for the purpose of aiding and abetting the rich witches who think of themselves as the ruling class.

     Although they backed off of their demand to "repair the signal leak" after I transmitted the points in the letter which were given to a comcast phone representative verbally over the phone, I have to consider the high and most likely probability that the secret central attitude police were planning on planting, and/or supplementing, some type of electronic surveillance equipment because I am a Christian who knows and understands that they are the anti-Christ who are up to no good. Those who say they are not sheep blindly following what the television orders them to believe seem to spout the same slogans and fascist inhumane ideologies that the party of their alleged choice tells them that they are supposed to believe is a logical conclusion, on every individual issue, even if it is completely insane and inhumane. Even though the mindset of spies is Abu Ghraib, they would like to fool people into believing that the worst that the so-called "intelligence community" does do is splash water on people's faces. I say they are not opponents, whether liberal, democrat, conservative, republican, capitalist, socialist, communist, or any other type of money/political control con game, but co-conspirators using their fake, worthless, monopoly money to trick the peasant class into being exploited, oppressed, abused, and treated unequally and unjustly by the rich witches who control the riches for the wicked who worship money, flags, perversion, and evil itself.

     They admit that there were no weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq, yet they didn't even say they are sorry and then repair the damages and leave. If you saw the documentary on ted bundy on television, and his demeanor when he was at the stage of still denying his vicious murders, and compare it to the smirk on the face of george w. bush on the television propaganda video where he is shown reading to some young children while another government agent is allegedly informing him about the twin towers, which he pretended to know nothing about, while trying to keep a straight face to hide his wicked knowledge and deeds as a co-conspirator falsely blaming 9/11 on foreigners, you will see that his soul inside is a spiritually identical twin to the wicked soul of ted bundy and the less murderous, yet just as evil, rich people who own and control everything. I say it is of no use to build any walls because the real enemy is already within the perimeter and controlling the command post.

     Even though trumpty dumpty claims that american troops are withdrawing from syria, it is my opinion that the u.s. and nato, and their evil co-conspirator members, (such as turkey, which openly admits to prohibiting the teaching of Christianity, which by definition makes them a part of the anti-Christ); are staging for a full scale ground invasion of syria, after they stage what many call a false flag event, horrifying enough to justify said nazi-like invasion. The war contractors and the department of war not only have no motive for peace, they lust after the monopoly game tokens they can capture on paper through oil and war equipment sales. You can't stop them with bullets or bombs. But, you don't have to believe a single word they say. You don't have to shoot them. Just remove their firing pins. You don't have to follow the commands of general motors. Stop buying their new cars until the wicked rich witches are brought to their knees, and they are flat broke and completely powerless...         




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