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     Is there really anyone who can read, that does not know that the script is already written for the cocksuckers running the united states supreme court to excrete as their decision on "gay marriage"? The "rich people" own the government and everybody running it; and, all rich people, and the united states government, are as queer as a thirteen dollar bill. The rich call themselves the "upper class" because they worship money and the devil, and grade the success and value of humans and other life in dollars and cents. For those very same reasons, we consider them as a much lower class of mammals. All TV networks, radio stations, newspapers, magazines, social networks, and other means of mass communication are owned, perverted, and operated by the rich. The rich debate whether "liberals" or "conservatives" should be running the government. The "middle class" and "poor", who are all in the same class by OUR OWN standards of decency and human worth, have as much respect for the president of the united states, the united states supreme court, both houses of congress, and all other politicians and government officials in the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the government, and all other government employees/co-conspirators, as we have for Osama binLaden's alleged rotting corpse. The rich, and their government puppets, debate whether the united states should get out of various foreign areas. We believe the united states should get out of america. The american flag has become the symbol of the anti-Christ. Their propaganda media in its various forms, tries to glorify the most disgusting pimps, whores, queers, and other freak shows as normal and common, while we see them as the strange, evil, perverted, disgusting little disease organisms that they really are; a tiny minority train wreck that we find it hard not to stare at, like the evil monsters in movies, but wouldn't want to touch without rubber gloves, wouldn't want our kids to be like, and we don't have even the slightest respect for at all, because they deserve no respect whatsoever. They try to take the most sacred things and try to sell the idea that they are not cool for some reason, even though they always have been considered so from the beginning of time until now. They take the ugliest, most perverted, disgusting pieces of shit and try to pass it off as beautiful. If you take a perverted cocksucker, cut off its dick and balls, and then replace them with a new asshole in the front, that doesn't make it a woman; it just makes it into a double asshole queer. If you put a double asshole queer in a dress, no matter how much you use Photoshop, you can never really make it into a beautiful woman. You can put lipstick on a pig and it will still be a pig. Who can even think up anything more disgusting and evil than what the rich are trying to teach little kids? And, yet there are those that would say we are not in the last days. Teach your kids that TV is not real life; and, that a homophobe is a beautiful, decent, cool, and sane thing to be. Teach your kids that "Disney" has nothing to do with Walt Disney, except as a now-perverted trademark that wants your little girls to be dykes. Teach them that the double assholes are the queers, and not the decent wise persons who resist the perverted brainwashing of the modern day mussolinis in america. Whether those of us who were born in this area want to admit it or not, the whole world knows that the most vicious, evil, disgusting, perverted, most likely to become extinct animals species on the planet are rich americans and their puppets. Don't be their puppets. They can take your life if God decides to play His hand that way at any time, but only then. And God can bring you back. But, they can never take your soul unless you let them. You don't have to fight terrorists by supporting them. The rich, and their government puppets, ARE the terrorists. They don't protect our freedom; they try to take it away, and then get you to work for them, in a giant money making protection racket scheme. The wars are just rigged, staged, games like professional wrestling. But, they want you to support them by sending your sons and brothers to die for them as pawns, while they play kings and queens, sipping cocktails at fancy photo-op parties, and exchanging bullshit on the golf course; and, then they want to distract you long enough that you can't see the evil they get by with by debating whether or not the government should officially classify as normal and sacred a ceremony where the groom and groom take turns in the licking off of the feces, instead of exchanging rings, even though they can never pull a baby out of Steve's ass, and we all know this is all VERY, VERY wrong. All rich people\the united states government are completely insane and evil! Yet there are many who will just go along with it because they are cowards who are afraid to offend the holy wide screen TV. You can shut off the TV. You can tell the social networks to fuck off and die. You can live without the daily dose of brainwashing by the minister of propaganda. You don't need to be violent and murderous like them, or even do anything that they classify as illegal under their laws, to completely disband and overthrow them in a non-violent revolution. You can stop buying their shit. You can drop out of school. You can quit your job. You can boycott. You can refuse to accept their currency, which has no actual value anymore anyway, even by the standards of the rich, because it is just fiat money and another madoff/ponzi scheme completely since they stopped backing the paper up with gold or silver. You are supposed to love everybody, even if they are more disgusting than you are. That is as hard as Hell. But, maybe if you stay away from them, and their evil games, you won't have to hate them quite as much. You can help your brothers and sisters all around the world, in any way, or by any methods you can think of, to survive, and save their souls. If you don't believe there is a Heaven, then where in Hell do you think you are going?...