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BOYCOTT NEW CARS Although I haven't been watching the news, I have watched it from time to time; and, I pick up bits and pieces of what is usually categorized as news, (commercial media that presents you with a bunch of stories alleged to be facts about varying events and other things), on the internet. A lot of times the stories they carry are trivial, even if they were true, compared to so many other more important issues that hardly ever get discussed. One of the most ridiculous stories is the assertion that some kind of Russian secret agents hacked into certain emails of admitted Democrats. The only thing more absurd than that, as far as alleged acts of cyber warfare go, is the joke about North Korea allegedly hacking into emails of Sony Pictures in order to sabotage an alleged comedy about the leader of North Korea. In the first place, you would do good to get Americans to go to a movie theater to watch any of the crap they put out today, except little kids at the mall on the weekend, because there isn't much else for them to do. But, even if North Koreans had as much interest in American movies as Americans do in North Korean movies, almost zero, anybody who has ever been a hacker and/or traced or studied the patterns of hacking traffic on the internet would know that North Korea is about the only country where you don't find any hacker traffic trying to sneak through your firewall. I don't think the North Korean government could have even set up their propaganda twitter account to complain about how terrible the Japanese are without the help of their top computer experts. There is no way to even verify if the North Korean internet sites are even real, since we are shut off from North Korean people, just like we have been shut off from Cuban people for many years. If you are a secret U.S. government agency, you can probably get internet providers, phone companies, or any other money making means of communication to give you direct access to the circuits and servers as if you were part of the company. That means the government can hack you and/or track you because it is an inside job. Despite all the TV shows and movies about hackers who can just sit down at a computer, type out a few keystrokes, and a few minutes later gain full access to secure servers on the other side of the country, or the world, it isn't that easy to hack into someone's computer, unless you are the U.S. government spying on American civilians on American lines of communication, with inside help and information.
Although there are traceable hacking activities from all around the world, except Antarctica and North Korea, including Russia, and surrounding areas, the idea that anyone can just hack into emails because they have some type of advanced knowledge only secret agents and alien beings have is complete nonsense. Even the most highly skilled hackers can't get into your emails without inside help and information, and/or social engineering. The only idiots trying to act as if that fairy tail is verified are the so-called "intelligence" community, who are professional liars and cold blooded murderers who have no credibility whatsoever. If emails are leaked to somebody in the media, or other group, it is more likely to be the person with the email account, or somebody conspiring with them, in order to act as a diversion from bad things they are doing that you might notice if they didn't distract you from the real issues. I haven't read, and have no interest in reading, any of the so-called hacked emails. Whatever their intentions, I believe any emails leaked, if they were not leaked on purpose as a publicity stunt and distraction, would still have to have been leaked by an insider, the same as the phony Sony Pictures hacked emails publicity stunt.
What is even more ridiculous than the idea that Russian spies hacked into emails that would be insignificant anyway, is the allegation that the emails were hacked in order to influence the presidential election. The inference is that voters would have been more inclined to vote for Billary if the emails had not been leaked. Even if you believe that vote counts have any credibility at all, being counted by a government that lies about everything, it is sickening to suggest that the people of this continent found sny political candidates to be anything but disgusting. There is no option for "none of the above". The fact is, although it would be better if there were no presidents or other politicians at all, Billary is even more disgusting than Trumpty Dumpty. Marriage is a contract that binds two people into a single entity legally. The idea that wicked, impeached, two-headed Billary, too dumb to inhale, would use the alleged female in the entity as a pimp loophole to allow Billary to slither back into the White House for a third term, is more vile than the excrement from a diseased, rotting, pus-infected carcass of road kill from a large animal. The Billary monster always tried to present itself as some kind of freedom fighter out to save you from the broken promises of other nazis. They like to be seen hanging around with black people, because they are their liberators, even going out in the field to help them pick cotton, so they don't lose their cabin to the bank, until the photographers get the best shot. You can even call them a nigger and they won't be offended, because they are going to move in with you and help you board up the windows, and remove all the old tires and bodies from the new abandoned home you are proud to live in after the doctor without borders took your family home when you couldn't pay your medical bills. But, in reality, Billary was one of the biggest terrorists against medical Marijuana, and helped to put many poor people, including, if not especially, black people, in prison, while making excuses to steal everything they own, in a world where everybody inhales except narcs, nazis, those too ignorant to understand what a great gift from God pot is, and those who can't afford and/or obtain any. Look at results, not talk. The rich get richer and the poor get arrested.
The government doesn't want you to have freedom in even the smallest things. They stage phony debates, make promises they never keep, and lie about everything. The U.S. government, and its evil co-conspirators, always talk about defending our freedom. But, in reality, they are the only ones who take away our freedom, and the only ones that are in a position to do so. They bail out huge corporations, that play a numbers game to make it look on paper like they are starving, while in practice they are vicious demons who try to devour the poor.
There might be Russians making under the table deals with Americans. That is how rich people from all around the world get by with oppressing us, while trying to know everything about decent civilians, and keeping eveything they do a secret. But, it is complete nonsense to suggest that, no matter who is officially running the government, it's ever going to be anything but just the same rich people determining what oil fields or other resources to fake and/or instigate a war over. Temporal governments today are just professional sports teams, who pretend to be enemies when they are really partners!
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