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     Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water. I think they will be hating my brain even more than before, if that is possible. Maybe some day, when the world is peaceful, everyone will know and understand what I know, how, and why. I hope that if the government reads this, it will prompt them to reconsider their plans just to prove me wrong. They have free will. I can't stop them from doing whatever they decide to do. But, maybe they'll cancel the plans.

     In previous pages, I have talked about the "big event". It was not intended to be a joke. It is completely literal. The C.I.A. has been planning a full scale ground invasion of Syria for quite some time. It doesn't matter who is President; they would still use the same plans even if Howdy Doody was officially President. There are no elections. There is no Senate or House of Representatives. There is no Supreme Court. It's just a fake soap opera like professional wrestling. The C.I.A. decides what strings to pull, how, and when. They even have plans for you, so that you will be put in a position of helplessness, in the name of security for the homeland. I am writing this because it is the truth, to the best of my knowledge and belief; and, I hope that enough people will see this that you will know how to avoid falling into their evil trap. Since most people do not like other people, or themselves, being killed, there is a built in opposition to killing by the government, or other groups or individuals, unless it is absolutely justifiable and unavoidable, if then. A common justification for killing is war. Since most people do not like war, especially in the manner bragged about by the U.S. government which produces a lot of collateral damage, (such as drone strikes orchestrated to target one alleged bomb maker, or other type of terrorist, based on the word of the Central Intelligence Agency, a vicious coven of professional liars and bloodthirsty murderers, firing, not into a free fire zone, [a standard in combat where all civilians are evacuated, and any persons that are not in your unit are presumed to be the enemy], but in a residential area, sometimes during weddings, funerals, or other peaceful and/or sacred events), a mass murder of a lot higher body count than the usual assassination of one or two alleged "terrorists/bombers" on the other side of the world, in a cowardly video game fashion, has to have a lot bigger theoretical excuse, in order to be acceptable without significant rebellion by the civilian population. They have to stage the "big event", a horrifying mass murder worse than "9/11", and, blame it on Muslim extremists. Although most people have become complacent to the C.I.A. getting by with just being video game serial killers, (since civilians in the United States don't have to worry about being killed by a drone strike sending fire down from Heaven, but only getting shot to death by much gentler bullets, with usually less collateral damage), it will, of course, have a higher probability of opposition by the civilian population if there are huge masses of people murdered, including peaceful men, women, and children. They will have to calculate the amount of damage to be done by the "big event" according to an estimate of the magnitude of outrage necessary to rouse the population into a self defense mode of a level that will almost completely and universally counterbalance the public's hatred of killing, even in war. Since most people around the world have concluded, or at least suspected, that 9/11 was orchestrated by the United States government, (to justify fossil fuel invasions, under the guise of going after hidden terrorists, [who at first denied responsibility until it made them more popular in some circles, even though "terrorists" are usually alleged to be glad to take credit for what they have allegedly done], or hidden "weapons of mass destruction"), they have to design the "big event" in a manner that they feel will be believable, according to the public's probable terrorist stereotype, their level of gullibility, and compulsion towards conformity. Because of these factors, it is not necessary to weigh a large amount of evidence for a long period of time to determine if a given event is the "big event" or not. If you have any doubt that it is the "big event", then it isn't. You will know beyond any reasonable doubt...  

     The invasion will not just include Syria, in actual logistic functions. It will also be a full scale ground invasion of the United States. The main way to justify using extreme adverse tactics against civilians who oppose the secret United States full scale ground invasion of Syria will be to divide and conquer. They will use the C.I.A.'s polarization methods of psychological operations. They will have groups who might appeal to some people in certain ways, either by ideologies, weaknesses, various types of bias against certain people, beliefs, traditions, rules; or, some type of bandwagon compulsion that can be played against and elevated by psychological operations, that they ordinarily would suppress and/or keep under control. They have to play the sheep factors which draw people into certain groups, (not necessarily an identifiable group with acknowledged members, rather than a group of ideologies labeled by glittering generalities, with means of communicating alleged majority and/or authority opinions for which those labeling themselves as falling under a given group should believe, to conform with the group), in a manner which incites the amplification of those parameters in each individual to the degree that it overwhelms any factors for which there might have been an instinctive opposition. There will be opposing groups, sometimes linking themselves with other groups you might disagree with on certain issues in a manner which doesn't directly affect you, in order to pull you in with one polarization group in which the dominant sheep factors can overwhelm the instinctive disagreement with or aversion to the objectionable factors, which are programmed into the group ideologies for the gullible to go along with. Some groups or similar subgroups will incite violence and even murder, if necessary, to cause the groups to concentrate their rage of injustice on perceived opposing groups. This polarization will result in murders by the C.I.A. which will justify extreme measures, by provoking counter violence, to create a war over staged events. They will not be guerilla warriors striking military targets. They will be spies murdering civilians and blaming it on other groups that had nothing to do with it, or are a sacrifice bunt that only the openly out of the closet wicked would ever support, like nazis in a parade espousing symbols and ideologies that were supposed to have been wiped out in World War Two. They are still around. They have many covers. They might draw in people who are misguided by cultural environments and teachings, or are ignorant of the true motives of a group, or people who just choose evil over good, either because they are in a stage of their life with little enlightenment, or because they are completely wicked in a terminal manner and degree. Any groups can find some sheep factors to play on. You might not even realize it if you have been successfully brainwashed by the television military industrial complex. If you subscribe to any group, in membership, interactions, and/or ideologies, and they have successfully polarized you, you might go along with the party views selected by the master party television, in all areas, even though logic should tell you that a non-inspired group can not be right on all issues, and the opposing party or group wrong on all issues. They have turned you into a steer and herded  you onto the truck, where they will take your soul to market. If they incite you to rage over some issues other than the invasion of Syria, or get you to be in some type of paradigm which might label you officially as fitting the profile of a group which is in some type of adverse relationship with the government, in a small number of cases, they can use the grounds of war time national security to take away every right you thought you had, and put you in a prison even if they allow you to stay in your own home. They will make COINTELPRO look like the civil rights movement by comparison. Except now, it is of no use to form group gatherings for protesting, because all of those with the power to change the bad things you are protesting, do not care what you like or don't like, and feel that there is nothing you can do about it. They might take some symbolic, though ineffective, action to placate the masses temporarily, and then take it away later to provoke you to rage. They will hope to incite you to, and/or blame some of you for, violent acts. If you protest online, or by phone conversations, or offline-improvised analog hand encrypted text messages with family and other persons of certain trustworthiness, or other means where they can't provoke you to violence, they will have no excuse to use the military hardware they are bringing back for the invasion, after being taken away temporarily by a charismatic, hypocrite, cold blooded, murdering, closet fascist, Uncle Tom. It's hard to accept that some of those you considered as heroes are actually the worst kind of villains; and, some of those you thought were in the wrong are actually enlightened enough to see through the veil that they use to cover the truth. They will try to brainwash you into getting with the program, which they completely control anyway they choose, while tricking you into thinking you had a chance of getting the "servants of the people" to pick the cotton and let you hold the whip. If they were really the "servants of the people", you wouldn't have to worry about them shooting you, or putting you in a cage, or taking everything you own without even charging you with a crime, if they decide to set you up for a drug raid, because you are a terminally ill cancer patient who voices a contrary opinion, and a trusted neighbor informed the Secret Nazi Marijuana Brain Police that you are growing one too many medical Marijuana plants. You will be playing into their hands if you let them cause you to lose your cool and become violent. Let the C.I.A. commit the violence against their own people. Even if they are preaching mandatory cannibalism to try to provoke you to violence, if you just ignore them, or laugh at them from a distance, they and their alleged cause will gain nothing. Don't play their game. If you let them provoke you to violence, they are just herding you into a different section of their parade. If nobody shows up for their parade, and they show up to find a deserted area, except for a few people with cameras at  a distance, they, and their parade, will be a complete failure. Don't let them draw you into what you think is an opposing parade. Parades don't change anyone's minds anymore, because everyone knows the issues, and will choose what they believe from other factors. You can get video of murders, police and/or martial law troop brutality, and/or other actionable events, with phones, tablets, visible cameras, hidden cameras/nanny cams ranging from sunglasses, pens, and just about anything you can slip a tiny camera inside of. When they set you up to provoke you into action, you are letting them win if you react the way they are trying to incite you to act. They don't care if you like any of them, because they know there is nothing you can do about it. They can be completely insane, take away your rights, and those of groups they try to polarize you into hating, have it acknowledged worldwide that they are despised, and nobody respects them, give a pardon to fellow nazis, or maybe even themselves, and they figure you will just pick a "candidate" or "representative", who will counteract the evil things they do, with phony staged debates which never seem to help anyone except the rich witch nazis who worship the devil, and material things. If they were the servants of the people, the master wouldn't have to walk back to the cabin to ask the servant for permission to inhale. Free people don't need leaders, we can find our own way without the spiritually blind. You no longer can cash in United States currency for gold or silver; and, it has been that way for quite some time. That means it is just rubber fiat money that is just as worthless as Confederate money. But, they have been brainwashing you for so many years, that they can just print up as much money as they want, without letting you count it, and you are gullible enough to believe that it is gold or silver. You are not even selling your soul for gold and silver. You are selling your soul for worthless pieces of paper. You can look right at it, and you are brainwashed into believing that they are the servants of the people. In reality, they are cattle farmers herding the mental steers onto the truck to punch in and salute General Motors, while someone, who might be an Angel who casts you into Hell, is sleeping on a heating grate in downtown Detroit when there is snow on the ground. You say: "Please promote us sir, so we can go back to the plantation with higher wages, the magic paper, and enjoy our freedom." God says: "The wages of sin are death." You keep dying over and over, generation after generation; and, you still can't figure it out. You say "Please don't flush Houston down the toilet." God says: "Kill them all; let God sort it out."...